How to Increase Your Excitement and Keep Your Creative and Productive Energy Flowing in Your Career and Life
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March 17, 2020You just got admitted to study law. You quickly find out it’s a different ball game from what you have experienced previously in school. So much to do and so little time. Don’t get swamped. Here are a few tips for you on how to manage your time.
- Set a goal for yourself. GOALS. You can never hear enough of that. If you haven’t written down your goals, you need to stop now and write them now! Remember, goals must be S.M.A.R.T – (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). What are your goals for law School?
- Break them down and make sure they are truly S.M.A.R.T. Break your overall goals into monthly, weekly and daily goals and break the daily goals into specific activities. Remember your “T.” Set timelines.
- Be organized. How is your study place set up? Is it well organized? An organized environment will definitely help with your studies.
- Plan your studies. Go through all your courses. Prioritize them. Go through the syllabus to know what it will take to excel in each course and prepare a study plan. Go through important topics first and then come to relatively easier ones. Prioritizing lets you know how to allocate your time and other resources efficiently.
- Celebrate wins. When you are through with a particular topic or course, congratulate yourself and celebrate the win. You need to always keep yourself motivated, looking at your progress daily. The greatest form of encouragement is self-encouragement.
- Watch what you eat. Observe your body. What energizes you? What keeps you fresh and alert? Focus on more natural foods. Eat foods that boost your natural immunity especially during exams so that you don’t fall ill.
- Do a self-evaluation. You have areas of strength. You have areas of weaknesses. Do you know them? Focus on your strengths while you work out a plan to improve on your weaknesses. Do not ignore a course because you are weak in it. Rather, work out what it will take for you to get better. You need all the courses to make it through school. You can’t excel in only one or some. You need all. Do work out a definite plan after the self-evaluation.
- Focus. Focus. Study time is study time. Period. Study space is a study space. Period. Get rid of everything else. Do not keep magazines newspapers etc around. They are an easy way to get distracted. Put your phone on silence if it must be on.
- All work and no play … Take breaks and play. Study hard. Play hard. You need to unwind. Do something to relax your mind. When your mind is tired and you force it to work, it will only backfire in your face.
- Revision. A good time management strategy must always make room for re-evaluation, for re-assessment. What’s the progress like? What needs to improve? Where do you need help? It is very important to re-evaluate where you are at.
- Avoid the so-called “important” distractions. You need to be strict with your time. Study time is not the time that special friend comes around and you have to “take time off” to attend to them. It is not the time for long calls and so-called important chats. Let it be known that your study time is a sacred time.
- A conducive environment is important. Study in a place that is cool but not cold, humid places are a No No. You need to do everything possible to help maintain your focus, that’s why you need to be as comfortable as you can be.
- Timing. When is the best time for you to study? When are you at your optimal? You need to know that and as much as you can, make use of that time slot.
- Avoid the bed and sofa. That’s temptation right there. It may feel comfortable but it gets too comfortable and then off you go to sleep or slack land.
Other very helpful tips include:
- Start working on assignments early.
- Work on one thing at a time.
- Study in shorter bursts
- Avoid procrastination
- Avoid multi-tasking, research proves it truly decreases productivity.
- Get enough sleep
- Start your day with a clear focus
There you are – some helpful tips to get you along on your set goals to crush it in school. Of course there are more. Feel free to share with us how you are managing your time.
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