The Nigerian Lawyer's Guide To Starting Your Legal Radio Show. - Legalpedia | The Complete Lawyer - Research | Productivity | Health

The Nigerian Lawyer’s Guide To Starting Your Legal Radio Show.

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The Nigerian Lawyer’s Guide To Starting Your Legal Radio Show.

podcast for lawyers


I guess the title of this post may have knocked you off a bit, owning your own radio show? How can that be? 

I can imagine all the questions racing through your head as you read this.

  • Do I  have the funds to do that?
  • Do I have the infrastructure to own one?
  • How do I start?
  • What will I say in the show?

The questions are endless but be rest assured all your questions will be answered in this series of posts.

Yes, this is going to be taken as a series, so you are fully empowered to start one now. Yes, I mean right now.

So are you ready? Let’s go!

At this point, I want to get the myth “this is impossible!” off your mind.

In the world we live in today, technology has made it possible to achieve whatever you want to embark on with little or no money. All the infrastructure and tools needed are readily at your disposal. All you need is an idea that can help another human, strategy, a good dose of persistence and commitment, and finally, your unique touch or voice that stands you out.

With that said, let’s list out what will be required to start up your radio show.


Requirements To Start Your Radio Show

  1. Your Idea and goal (topics of focus)
  2. An audience (who are interested in your topic of focus)
  3. A radio broadcasting platform
  4. Recording and audio editing tools
  5. Promoting your radio show

And that’s it.


What Are Podcasts

Have you ever heard of the word “Podcasts”? This is simply an audio recording that has been uploaded on an online podcast platform where anyone in the world can tune in and listen too.

The podcast is the new radio. Almost all traditional and mainstream radio stations have their podcast channels where their listeners and fans can subscribe to and get access to their news and information.

What makes this more fun is that these podcast platforms have become mainstream, not only are they platforms to get news, but they have become platforms where people look to get educated on any topic of interest and most importantly it’s a great income-generating tool.

Literally, without any kind of government approval or governmental policies, you can literally own or radio show. Your audio is not restricted to any geographic location and is out there free for all, Ain’t that interesting. YouTube is akin to owning your TV channel as a Podcast is to Radio. We shall do a similar guide on YouTube likewise soon.

What only surprises me is that hardly anyone in these parts of the world is taking advantage of these podcast platforms, the entry barrier is nearly non-existent. You have access to the whole world, yet Nigerian lawyers have not yet claimed their space there.

I am left to believe that most Nigerian lawyers are not aware of such exists and if they do, they are not aware of the potential it has for them.

And that’s the purpose of this post so you can get yours up and running in no time.


To-Dos For The Next Series.

Next week I will start with a dive-in on each requirement to start your radio show. We will start with your Idea/Goal.

Till then I have some to-dos to get your feet wet.

I want you to subscribe to as many podcast channels and listen to the shows available.

All you need to do is to download any podcast app on your mobile device.


Installing Podcast Apps On The iPhone.

For iPhone users, there is already a podcast app that comes with your device.

Search on any topic that interests you, select any channel of choice, and subscribe to it.

You can stream the show directly or download and listen to it later.


Installing Podcast Apps On The Android iPhone.

For android users, some devices come with podcast apps and some don’t

But here is a list you can download from the Google play store and they are all free

  1. Spotify
  2. Google podcasts
  3. Stitcher

If you download Spotify alone you are fine, because most podcasting channels are available across all these platforms.

Search on any topic that interests you, select any channel of choice, and subscribe to it.

You can stream the show or download and listen to it later.

With that, I am done for today. If you have any questions please let me know in the comment box below and I will be happy to answer.

To continue this series, check out part 2 here

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