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10 Things To Do With A Lockdown To Make A Great Mark

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10 Things To Do With A Lockdown To Make A Great Mark


The lockdown will be over soon. That was what many believed. Then it was extended. Now there are talks of a further nationwide lockdown. That means more time on your hands. Time. Most probably that is one thing before the COVID – 19 pandemics broke out, you wised you had more of it. Now a lot of people have so much of time on their hands that they don’t even know the difference between a Monday and a Friday or the weekend. Night and day seem to be conjoined twins now.

We are all waiting and hoping. Hoping that it will all be over very soon. Hoping that we will go back to the normal that we were accustomed to. Waiting and hoping. Some are using the time to relax, watch movies, catch up with loved ones or do so many things they didn’t have the opportunity to do around the house because of work.

Definitely, 5 -10 years from now there will be several big businesses, great ideas etc. that will be so successful, that were birthed during these times of uncertainties. It is all a case of how you use the time that is before you. The choice is all yours.

What are you using your time for? How are you utilizing this resource that before now has been so scarce for you? Do something that that will impact your business and your life. Do something that you will be grateful for that you did during this lockdown. It’s not too late to dust up that idea. To bring out that dream to your mind again and flesh it out. To take up your pen and write those things you just didn’t have the time to do back then. As the saying goes … the best time to plant a tree was 7 years ago. The second best time is today.

Here are a couple of things from different sources to help make your time worthwhile and build the right atmosphere where great things can be born:

  1. Read more books.

    The more you learn, the more you can earn. I like using a pen and bookmark to leave notes on my favourite takeaways. Reading books is a lifelong skill that can never die. Learn a new skill. Learn how to improve your skills sets and broaden your knowledge. Learn how to earn through other means.

  2. Stop giving the media your attention.

    Remember that the news basically makes you stupider. Even though people think it makes them smarter. But the truth is, listening to news drains your mental health. News is mostly negative news. It is what sells. It is what attracts.  The bad and the ugly. Yes, be informed but only from the right channels. Get the necessary information and off you go.

  3. Invest in yourself.

    It’s the best investment you’ll ever make. Become a learning machine by teaching yourself one new thing every day. Here is an interesting quote “If a man empties his purse into his head no one can take it away from him.” An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

  4. Study trends.

    Looks at stocks. Look at E-commerce. Look at investment trends. Look for opportunities to invest or learn more about. Pivot fast and you’ll survive/thrive. Stocks are low, there is no better time to invest in one of the fortune 500 companies than now.

  5. Sleep for 5-8 hours.

    Use this time as much as you can to catch up on years of sleep deprivation. Sleep is the best immune system builder.

  6. Get mentors.

    Find a mentor for something you wish to improve on. More importantly, follow their advice. This is one of the biggest keys to success. The important thing about mentors is that they inspire you to achieve – and give you the real-life advice you need to take action.

  7. Pace yourself.

    Rome wasn’t built in a day. Create a goal and work at least 15 minutes a day in different blocks of time toward making it happen. Consistency wins. Little things make up the big things, so start small and scale up as you go along. Measure and track your progress as you go along.

  8. Distance yourself from the wrong types of people.

    Sure you may not be meeting with most people because of the restrictions on movement but the thing is you somehow keep in touch. You’ve got the technology to answer for that. Bad company corrupts good manners. The wrong influence will permeate you with negativity. Keep company with those who build up your energy, those who inspire you to be better than even your best.

  9. Stay focused on your goals.

    Mind your own business. Don’t get distracted.

  10. Commit all the way.

    Know that it won’t be easy, but you must prepare for the road ahead.


Regret is painful. Don’t look back and wish … If only … I could have … I would have been …

There’s almost nothing worse than looking back at your life and wishing you accomplished more with your free time. Now is the time to plant the seeds for the trees of the future. It takes only the first step to get started and then followed by the next. Just one step. Only one step at a time, consistently. That is what will help you get there.

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