5 Tips To Make Your Law Firm’s Blog Popular In Your Niches
July 8, 2021Social Media For Lawyers 101 – Making A Case
July 15, 2021
Let’s begin.
When you close a deal or a client buys your service, instead of stopping there, make an additional offer with more juicy benefits. The too good to be true irresistible offer will make the client buy your additional package.
Sixty percent of all clients will increase their purchasing value if you do it right and offer true value.
When clients turn to you and decide to buy your service it’s because those clients trust and respect you and your ability to serve their individual needs. In their eyes, you are knowledgeable, authority and a trusted person in that niche. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be on the phone with you, replying to your messages, and another channel you used positively
Always, do your best to give your clients the value and benefits for chosen you over others. When you give the value and get the expected results, paying you your worth will not be an issue. Don’t short change yourself and your business. Give all the value and get pay for it.
The major question now is are you doing all you can to give your clients all the benefits and choices they could be getting from you and would pay for?
I raise that point to draw your attention to the fact that many business people actually limit the worth of business their clients do with them. It happens unintentionally.
No need of going too far, it is happening in your own business too.
It’s hard to swallow, right?
Let’s be brutally frank here like a friend of mine would say, are your clients getting maximum value, benefits, protection or advantages out of each service you rendering to them?
If the answer is “YES” you are doing good. But if the answer is “NO’, you owe it to your clients to show them how to derive the greater benefit each time they buy your services or products.
There are three simple techniques that will help you deliver greater benefits to your clients.
1. often at a discount for them, and at the same time put more immediate cash into your business.
This post is getting so long, I would stop here.
If you are interested in knowing the three simple techniques that will help you deliver greater benefits to your clients? Let me know in the comment section so that I will be sure my time won’t be wasted on creating such content.
To your business growth
Luke Ikekpolor
Business Growth Strategy Specialist.