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December 2, 2021Would You Want to Publicise Your Services? Your warm Market are a Valuable Resource
February 2, 2022You want more potential clients to see what you do and how you can help them by visiting your website. The more people who come, the more customers you’ll get. Here’s how to get traffic (potential clients) the old fashioned way.
You have the ability to increase your SEO. You have the option to advertise. You might also use some old-school methods to increase traffic.
Here’s how it’ll work:
The first step is to create content.
Create between ten to twenty articles that discuss the topics that prospective clients are interested in learning about—their difficulties, risks, the law, the method, timing, options, and what you can do to assist them.
What they look for on the internet or what they ask you about when they talk to you.
Each article should describe one or more of your services and include a link to a page with additional details. That website should explain how to acquire answers to their queries or get started.
Create an “index” or directory page with links to these articles and place it on your site. You want to make it easy for visitors to find your material and, once they’ve read one, to see what else you have to offer.
Step 2: Disseminate Your Content
Copy your index page, edit it to include your website link and contact information, and print and distribute it as follows:
- Email it to your clients, asking them to forward it to anyone who might be interested in this information
- Mail it or hand a print copy to clients and former clients (for them and/or to hand out)
- Send it to referral sources, to give to their friends and clients
- Put copies in your waiting room; if you have business clients, ask them to put copies in their waiting room
- Hand them out at your speaking engagements
- Include them in your new client package
- Promote them on social media
Include them at the bottom of articles you write elsewhere
- When you’re being interviewed, offer it to the listeners/viewers.
- And so forth.
3. Compile Your Articles into Booklet
You can also compile your articles into a booklet or report that you can share. For example, you might use it as a lead magnet for anyone who signs up for your newsletter. It is will only enrich your value and well position as an authority in your area of practice or expertise.
In conclusion, It’s all about the old school. It’s simple, free, and extremely successful in driving traffic to your website and luring potential clients into your loving arms for business and monetization.
Value attracts Wealth. Money follows value.
Luke Ikekpolor