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The Cloud Advantage

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The Cloud Advantage

The Cloud Advantage

The COVID-19 pandemic, has served a tidal wave against all ships. To this end, digital solutions have acted as an antidote to this pandemic especially in the area of work.  Today, being safe in the clouds can be referred to as security in a bunker. The cloud advantage is important to facilitate, among others, enhanced reporting of crisis-related spending, ex post audits, and procurement transparency. Digital information systems are powerful tools to help achieve these objectives based on their capabilities to process, store, and report financial information.

Businesses are spending more on cloud resources as they undertake increasingly more cloud-focused IT strategies. As a matter of fact, $150 billion was spent on cloud infrastructure and services in the first half of 2019, according to Synergy Research Group.

No longer an unconventional strategy, cloud implementation has become the mainstream business approach for the enterprise.


Everyday operations are now powered by cloud technologies and applications – and, when it comes to innovation and the future, cloud plays a huge part in many organizations’ plans.

Whether your firm is navigating a period of mandatory work from home or just searching for the freedom to get work done from anywhere, remote work has proven to have clear advantages over a traditional office setting. For many law firms, though, the shift to remote work has been challenging: From privacy concerns to internet connection issues, firms around the world are struggling to find a remote work solution that meets their unique needs.

Moving your firm to the cloud provides a wealth of numerous security options, such as firewalls, encryption, multi-layered authentication, and compliance. As professionals who deal with sensitive files on a daily basis, your client’s information is your most important asset: Shouldn’t you protect it with security that’s bespoke to your profession and your needs?

Another advantage that comes with moving your firm to the cloud is the ability to create a consistent experience for every employee, regardless of device type (laptop, desktop, phone) or location. Since cloud solutions are accessed over an internet connection, everyone who accesses your firm’s information will be treated to the same experience. Whether you’re in the office, working from home, or working from another country, a cloud solution will look and feel the same, ensuring your ability to find files and other important information with ease.

When moving your firm to the cloud, it’s important to look at the big picture such as

  • Collaboration efficiency
  • Reduced IT costs
  • Scalability for the future
  • Business continuity

Finally, every law firm’s worst nightmare has been, having a back-up in case of an act of God. A power surge or fire outbreak in the office zaps your computer, wiping your hard drive clean of crucial client information.

Moving your firm to the cloud gives you the ability to securely back up your data, allowing you to keep things moving after those gut-wrenching “uh-oh” moments.

It’s always possible for technology to fail, but if you have an easily-accessible way to restore your backed-up data, you can keep things moving quickly and securely without losing mission-critical information.

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