How Tos: The Legalpedia Research Tool - Legalpedia | The Complete Lawyer - Research | Productivity | Health

How Tos: The Legalpedia Research Tool

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Hi there, Tolu from the Legalpedia Support team here.

Hope you are getting the most out of your Legalpedia software. Here are a few How To steps to help you with navigation within the software.


A. How to search for principles that are not listed in the judgment icon (principles drop down)

When looking for a principle(s) that are listed in the judgment icon (principles drop down or subject matter drop down):

  • Click on the home page
  • Locate the box on the upper side of the software with a search icon
  • Type in the principle you are searching for
  • Click on the search or enter key and relevant results will be displayed.


B. How to search and get judgments from the software.

When searching for a case on the software:

  • Click on the judgment icon
  • Type in the name of the case
  • In the event that you do not know the full name of the parties, you can type the first name and click on the search icon


Relevant results will be displayed for you.

  • If you are searching for a particular judgment you have in mind, you will need to know the full name of one of the parties or one other name to add to the first name that you know.
  • For example, you are searching for Johnson v Lawanson, after typing either of the name, you need to know one other name of the party. We report full names of the parties in our software so as to save you time from searching through a full list of Johnsons (which are common names to begin with) you can narrow down your search with the additional name.


C. How to cite the Legalpedia citation in court using the suit number?

We have made it so easy for you to cite judgments from Legalpedia. All you need to do is fully spell out the word Legalpedia and add the suit number of the judgment. It’s that simple. Example XXXXXXXXXX.

In the event that the judge or magistrate etc doesn’t have the Legalpedia, we have an alternative citation – “the suit number” of the judgment. The suit number assigned to a particular case is always included with the judgments giving each judgment a unique identifier.


And there you have it, that is a wrap for today. Hope this has been useful information to you in knowing how to make the best use of the Legalpedia Research tool.


To your success always

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