As the 3rd wave of Covid_19 looms in with the deadly Delta variant, many companies, law firms and so on are forced to go back to working from home. Working from home is something most of us have had to make adjustments to, especially if we have kids.
The problem is compounded if you are caught off guard without the requisite tools to be able to work and conduct your research effectively from home.
As you have seen in the past one year, Covid_19 has altered how clients conduct businesses around the world. The buying behaviour of consumers have changed, and sellers of goods and services have had to devise and explore new ways of deliveries.
Competition is driving greater efficiencies and the effect of the pandemic has lead to a greater emphasis on workers’ health and the workplace environment.
The world as we know it is changed forever. The question now is-
-Are you prepared for that change?
-Is your firm positioned to be fully operational online?
-Can everything run smoothly online and can you reduce the maximum direct physical interactions even with clients?
These are critical questions to ponder on and then do the needful.
Some of the expected permanent outcomes from the Coronavirus pandemic include:
–The use of automation will be accelerated to augment the workforce.
-HR practices will change. Fewer humans in one confined space may mean fewer human resource issues and investigations.
-Travel expenses will fall due to the fewer face-to-face interactions. As the need to travel will be really questioned to determine if it is an absolute necessity.
With these happening, there is a need for you to review, and access your firm’s operations and streamline it to reflect changing times, to stay relevant.
The firms of the future will look for ways to further minimize expenses and increase efficiency while expanding reach, while clients will look for services and firms who can attend to them even remotely, as they minimize direct meetings for virtual meetings. They will prefer firms who can reach them wherever they are virtually.
Businesses and individuals will be guided going forward by the need to stay safe and be prepared for any possible outbreaks of another pandemic.
This will shape how they do business, and what models they adopt and adapt to be safe and stay profitable. They will look for firms that can deliver results based on their changing demands and needs in the face of the pandemic.
They are looking for those law firms who can meet them and attend to them right now, remotely. If you were properly equipped to have provided such services in this hour of crisis perhaps your firm will be experiencing a surge to meet demands.
Perhaps you weren’t ready in the first wave, and this caught you unawares in terms of your firm’s capability to operate remotely. What are you going to do about it now that we are experiencing the third wave?
Are you going to be proactive in your response to a pandemic that has shut down businesses or will you just sit it out and wait till the storm is over? That could prove to be catastrophic or you may get lucky.
The future belongs to those who are proactive and take the initiative to evolve their business with the times; to make strategic changes that will position them ahead of other competitors and not simply rely on chance as they sit through things.
More importantly, you need to strategically position your firm to be top of mind before your clients. This is the right time to invest in research tools like Legalpedia and smart office solutions that ensure that work continues wherever you are.
Click this link to choose the package that best fits your need at this time.