Without passing the Bar exams, you will not be recognized as a lawyer. So it is very important you pass the Bar exams, which is not just about the exams alone, but a compilation of assessment reports. Below are More tips to Make You Successful in Law School:
1) Try as much as possible to make friends with intelligent and punctual students in class. These students will help you whenever you have challenges in certain courses or topics. Remember, being on an island doesn’t help.
2) Anytime you are given an assignment in class, make sure you try your hands on it because you never can know where the bar exam questions will come from.
3) You are required to do a presentation which is called portfolio assessment. The presentation is done in the presence of two lecturers who will be your assessors. A portfolio assessment is one of the requirements to pass the bar exams. The presentation is expected to be done in PowerPoint.
4) Court and Law Firm Externship: It is compulsory to go for both a court and law firm externship. The Law School will post you to the court and law firm for this experience. During the externship, you will be allowed to witness how cases are being mentioned, the process of cross extermination, etc. This experience will help you build confidence when appearing in court. An externship will also help with your drafting skills. You will be assigned a mentor, who will be a lawyer at the law firm of your externship.
5) Sponsors by the body of benchers: To become a lawyer called to the Nigerian Bar of Association, you will be given a form, which will be filled by a member of the body of benchers showing they are sponsoring you. So, it is important to build your network.
6) Law Dinners: Before you can be called to the Bar, you will need to attend at least 3 dinners. This is aimed at teaching you how to conduct and comport yourself appropriately and accurately at such formal events. Make sure you attend and dress appropriately.
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