You and I know that referrals happen every day without you doing anything extra to make it happen. Some happy clients tell others about you without you saying anything or do anything other than providing great service. You just give them your website address or business card and they made the magic happens.
In the same vein with your business contacts. They might tell the people they are referring to you that you did a good job for some of their clients or customers, or they know you from their kid’s school PTA meeting, or they know you from church or they might have said they know you by your stellar reputation, or they know you from their residents’ associations that you are a reliable and trustworthy person that knows his onions.
Having such effective sources of referrals are the best thing that could happen to anyone.
Notwithstanding, how much would having one additional referral each month be worth to you?
While you don’t have to say or do anything, there are things you could do or say that would significantly increase the number of referrals you get. It might double it or triple it. Surely, it will make a significant increase.
Alright, enough with the stimulative numbers. Let’s get down to what you could say or do to get more referrals.
I’ll give you 3 things you can do, starting today.
When you are discussing with them, tell a story or stories about how clients refer their friends, family, etc. to you and how you helped them out. This could also be in form of articles or posts in your conversations or presentations
By simply mentioning that they were referred to you by other clients that had similar problems, or by another lawyer or influential person in your community, you are indirectly telling people that you routinely get referrals, and suggesting that they should do the same.
Truth is, some people could’ve sent you referrals, but did not.
According to surveys, primary they didn’t because they “didn’t think of it”.
So, telling them a story is a simple way to help them think about referring people to your way.
Directly ask people to refers you to other professionals aside from your niche or profession. Tell them you like to network with other professionals that are not in your niche. Such as financial professionals, real estate professionals, medical professionals and whoever might make a good referral source for you include them in the list. Find out from them if they know anyone. If yes, ask for contacts, tell the referrer that you’ll call the contacts to introduce yourself, and ask, “is it fine if I mention your name as the person that links me?”
By calling them, you will get to talk to potential referral sources who will know that you represent one of their business’s contacts or clients.
The work has not ended yet, you still have to call them once in a while to refresh their mind about what you do, but it’s much easier because your contact person or mutual client have given you a huge head start.
Furnish your clients with something they can hand out besides your business card. Something that is self-explanatory that they can give people that might need your service. The materials should tell exactly what you do and how you can help them. It could be printed material or digital material.
What matter is, the material or handout should tell the prospective client exactly what you want them to know and what to do next.
Adding these three strategies to your existing ways of getting referrals will undoubtedly increase your number of referrals and income too.
It’s that simple. I trust and believe that I have been able to show you how to double or triple your referrals sources and income?
We’ve come to the end of the post. I look forward to hearing testimonies on how it has increased your referrals and income.
On the other hand, if you need more clarity or help on how to go about it, click here now to indicate. We would schedule a clarity session with you.
To Your Success
Luke Ikekpolor
Your Business Growth Specialist
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