Uwani Musa Abba Aji -Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria
Helen Moronkeji Ogunwumiju -Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria
Chidi Nwaoma Uwa -Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria
Stephen Jonah Adah -Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria
Abubakar Sadiq Umar -Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria
The case revolves around a loan facility of N100,000,000 granted by the respondent (AMCON) to the appellant (Antonio Oil Company Limited). The respondent filed a suit claiming N74,400,178.37 being the amount owed as of December 31, 2008, plus interest at 17% per annum. The case was initially placed on the undefended list but was later transferred to the general cause list after the appellant filed a notice of intention to defend. The trial court entered judgment in favor of the respondent for N61,255,923.79, being the amount owed as of October 31, 2009. The appellant’s counter-claim was dismissed. Dissatisfied, the appellant appealed to the Court of Appeal, which dismissed the appeal, leading to this further appeal to the Supreme Court.
“It is settled law that a party swims or sinks with his pleadings. Parties are bound by their pleadings. Pleadings are not only meant to give the other side notice of the case they are to meet at the trial, they also define the parameters of the case.” – Per Stephen Jonah Adah, JSC
“It is certain that the plaintiff needs to plead material facts in his pleading and it is up to the defendant in the case to admit or traverse those facts. It is very fundamental to highlight that a fact which is admitted by the defendant in his pleadings need not be proved by the plaintiff, but should be deemed as established at the trial.” – Per Stephen Jonah Adah, JSC
“The position of the law is that Courts do not make agreement for parties. The duty of the Court as an arbiter is to carefully look at the agreements of the parties in their contract and determine their rights thereunder.” – Per Stephen Jonah Adah, JSC
“In our law of interpretation, it is very elementary to state that our cardinal rule of interpretation requires that where the language, words and terms used in any section of law or a document are clear and unambiguous, they must be given their ordinary and actual meaning.” – Per Stephen Jonah Adah, JSC
“These exhibits were not marked 'without prejudice. They were also not in tone and character, indicative of any settlement arrangement or a product of any negotiation between the parties to the contract. The letters were in response to formal demand letters.”– Per Stephen Jonah Adah, JSC
“In our law of interpretation, it is very elementary to state that our cardinal rule of interpretation requires that where the language, words and terms used in any section of law or a document are clear and unambiguous, they must be given their ordinary and actual meaning.” – Per Stephen Jonah Adah, JSC
“The position of our law on the proof of anticipated loss of profit is very clear. The onus of proof is on the appellant or the counter claimant to put forward before the trial Court the proof of the anticipated loss of profit.”– Per Stephen Jonah Adah, JSC
“This Court in the face of this failure of the appellant cannot but state the obvious that the appellant has failed also in convincing this Court of the need to change or alter the concurrent findings of fact of the lower Court and the trial Court.” – Per Stephen Jonah Adah, JSC
“It is settled law that a general denial of specific allegation of clear facts is an evasive denial and is no denial in law.”– Per Chidi Nwaoma Uwa, JSC
“It is settled that once a defendant admits the indebtedness or receipt of the loan, the burden as to repayment or as to the reasons for non-payment, is on the defendant.”– Per Uwani Musa Abba Aji, JSC
“One of such roles is to define the scope of dispute among the parties in a case such that each party is fully apprised of what he is expected to prove or rebut and the Court of what it is called upon to adjudicate over.”– Per Abubakar Sadiq Umar, JSCUTE:
“Neither the circumstances under which the letters were written nor the content of the letters suggest negotiation between the parties. Instead, the facts pleaded by the appellant is that the respondent resorted to blackmail and threat.”– Per Abubakar Sadiq Umar, JSC
“Such a claim can only be predicated on the breach of terms of the contract between the parties and as the appellant failed to prove any breach on the part of the Respondent, the loss, if any, incurred by the appellant is self-inflicted.”– Per Abubakar Sadiq Umar, JSC
Supreme Court Rules, 1985 (as amended)
Evidence Act, 2011
Rules of Court
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